Dos and Don’ts pertaining to your personal finances
Amidst all the ups and downs in the stock markets, lot of investors are clueless as to what steps should be taken to ensure a balance between growth, risk and liquidity. It is significant to revisit the prudent approach to managing one’s finances. At this juncture, one should introspect and stick to the do’s and don’ts! Dos! Revisit your Income levels: Allocate additional surplus towards increasing monthly investments to ensure you meet your financial goals in a timely manner. As Warren Buffet says, be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. Ensure sufficient contingency funds: With unpredictability in job markets, 6 months expenses should be readily available in case of temporary loss of income. In an unfortunate event of loss of income there should be sufficient liquidity to manage the minimum household expenditure. Track your fixed and variable costs: Typically, a household has component of variable (say going out for a dinner) a...